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Praise Nation works in conjunction with like-missioned organizations to serve our population in celebration of God. 

Unbound Pittsburgh

Unbound is a simple, gentle, and powerful prayer ministry of freedom and healing helping us to release the POWER OF THE GOSPEL over spiritual blockages such as resentments, negative thoughts, or addictions. Jesus sets us free by breaking the power of sin and revealing the love of God. 


Email Unbound Pittsburgh

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The Renew the I Do Foundation

The mission of the Renew the I Do foundations is to inspire marriages to THRIVE in today's culture, guided by research, science, and the Holy Spirit.​


Visit our Website


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The Road of Faith
The Road to.jpg

The personal reflections of Ed Corbett on his journey of faith as he learns to trust in Jesus.


Visit the Website




The Ark and The Dove
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The Ark and The Dove is the home of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Our vision is to foster UNITY and to extend the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit to all generations. We invite all to come by for a visit as a member of the family coming home.


For more information on retreats and programs, or to connect with us, visit the website.

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